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Matthew Bakalar, PhD

Matthew Bakalar, PhD

Project title
"Predicting the interactions of T cell receptors with peptide-MHC complexes"

Dr. Bakalar is developing new methods to discover the millions of interactions between T-cell receptors and foreign antigens that trigger an immune response. In many cancers, such as metastatic melanoma, immunotherapy depends on the ability of T cells to recognize and respond to tumor-specific neoantigens-new proteins found on cancer cells, which let the immune system know that these are not normal cells. Collecting the data on this relationship can help create computational models to predict the antigen-target of a patient's individual T cell receptor, which could then guide the design of patient-specific cancer vaccines and engineering of new, tumor-targeting T cells.

Cancer type
Research area
Sponsor(s) / Mentor(s)
Nir Hacohen, PhD