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Gavin P. Dunn, MD, PhD

Gavin P. Dunn, MD, PhD

Project title
"Characterizing the immunogenic landscapes of malignant brain tumors"

Glioblastoma remains the most aggressive brain tumor diagnosed in patients, and it is clear that new treatment strategies are needed. There is significant optimism around the use of approaches that stimulate a patient's immune system to treat brain tumors. Gavin focuses on identifying the specific components of a patient's brain tumor that the immune system recognizes and determining whether there are regional differences in this immune recognition. He hopes that this work will increase our understanding of how the immune system recognizes brain cancers and will increase our understanding of how to rationally design personalized vaccines to treat these tumors. 

Cancer type
Research area
Sponsor(s) / Mentor(s)
John F. DiPersio, MD, PhD, and Robert D. Schreiber, PhD